Cocaine Addiction, Drug
and Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment and Recovery |
What is Cocaine and how
is it used?
Cocaine is a white, crystalline powdered drug, which is which is
extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine is also popularly
known with the names like "coke," "C," "snow,"
"flakm," or "blow". Cocaine is popularly known
as “Street Drug”, as it is primarily sold on streets.
Cocaine can be administered in many ways, i.e. it can be snorted
or smoked or dissolved in water and injected.
Cocaine is an effective brain stimulant and one of the most powerfully
addictive drugs. The principal routes of cocaine administration
are oral, intranasal, intravenous, and inhalation. Cocaine use ranges
from occasional use to repeated or compulsive use, with a variety
of patterns between these extremes.
How does it affect the body?
The use of Cocaine cannot be safe in any ways. Whether it is snorted
or smoked, its high addiction may lead to acute cardiovascular or
respiratory emergencies that could result in sudden death. There
are many severe adverse health consequences, which can make the
life hell.
• Short-term effects
A single dose of Cocaine’s administration is enough to demonstrate
its pleasantly bad effects on health. Cocaine usually makes the
user feel
1. Euphoric,
2. Energetic,
3. Talkative, and
4. Mentally alert, especially to the sensations of sight, sound,
and touch.
5. Loss of appetite and sleep
Short-term effects of cocaine include
1. Constricted peripheral blood vessels,
2. Dilated pupils,
3. Increased temperature and heart rate,
4. Blood pressure,
5. Insomnia,
6. Loss of appetite,
7. Restlessness,
8. Irritability, and
9. Anxiety
10. Lead to bizarre, erratic, and violent behavior
The users, who consume large amount of Cocaine, may experience
tremors, vertigo, muscle twitches and paranoia. Sometimes, sudden
death may occur to the first timers or unexpectedly thereafter.
• Long-term effects
1. High doses of cocaine and/ or prolonged use can trigger paranoia,
2. Smoking crack cocaine can produce a particularly aggressive
paranoid behavior in users,
3. Leads to Depression,
4. Snorting may lead to ulceration of the mucous membrane of the
5. Irritability,
6. Restlessness
Way to pleasurable DEATH
Experts and researchers have found that Cocaine is an addictive
drug and it’s pleasurable effects are so intense that it provokes
the users for repeated doses. Scientists have discovered that as
Cocaine is a highly brain stimulant drug, so it produces feelings
of pleasure to the users.
Medical complications of cocaine abuse
There are massive medical complications associated with cocaine
use. Some of the most frequent complications are;
1. Cardiovascular effects: heart rhythm disturbances and heart
2. Respiratory effects: chest pain and respiratory failure;
3. Neurological effects: strokes, seizure, and headaches; and
4. Gastrointestinal complications: abdominal pain and nausea.
Time for breakthrough: treat your problem
addiction and abuse is a complex problem involving biological
changes in the brain as well as a myriad of social, familial, and
environmental factors. Therefore, treatment of cocaine addiction
is complex, and must address a variety of problems. Like any good
treatment plan, Cocaine treatment strategies need to assess the
psychobiological, social, and pharmacological aspects of the patient's
drug abuse.
So, it’s time to break free and experience a new world. Remember,
the pleasurable experiences of Cocaine or any drug is momentary,
but it may lead to dreadful results.
Quick facts to remember
- Cocaine affects your brain.
- Cocaine affects your body.
- Cocaine affects your emotions.
- Cocaine is addictive.
- Cocaine can kill you.
- Cocaine produces many medical complications.
- Know the law. Cocaine--in any form--is illegal.
- Stay informed. Even first-time cocaine users can have seizures
or fatal heart attacks.
- Know the risks. Combination of Cocaine and more drugs is extremely
dangerous. The effects of one drug can magnify the effects of
another, and mixing substances can be deadly.
- Stay in control. Cocaine impairs your judgment, which may lead
to unwise decisions around sexual activity. This can increase
your risk for HIV/AIDS and other diseases, as well as rape and
unplanned pregnancy.
Know the Signs
If your loved ones, friend or relative experience one or more of
the following signs then he or she may be using Cocaine or other
dangerous drugs:
- Red, bloodshot eyes
- Runny nose or frequently sniffing
- Change in eating or sleeping patterns
- Change in groups of friends
- Change in school grades or behavior
- Withdrawal of acting, depressed, tired, or careless about personal
- Losing interest in work, school, family, or activities
So, if you or your loved ones have realized the fact
and accepted the problem valiantly, then we are here with stretched
arms to support your decision and assist you in getting rid of it.
Feel free to contact our support team for professional help and
give us a chance to show you a whole new world of love and happiness.